Thursday, November 21, 2013

USS George W. Bush (CVN-77)

USS George W. Bush (CVN-77): carrier U.S. aircraft belonging to the United States Navy and named after the 41st U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush. And built at a cost of $ 6.2 billion. And dubbed the Avenger because the Avenger was the secret name of the radio spoke of the 41 U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush when he was a pilot in World War II.

Logo USS George W. Bush:

The logo is designed to fit the label where there are 41 white star and is the order of President George HW Bush, and there are planes represent his position in the Navy, where he was President George HW Bush, a pilot for the United States Navy during World War II. And photo represents aircraft carrier aircraft carrier USS George W. Bush on their own and also represents American power. And blue lines in the background represent the thinking of President George HW Bush and mantra in which he said that the American people know that the United States above all. And another clause (freedom) taken from his famous speech after winning headed by the United States when he said: "We know what works, freedom, yes freedom works, freedom is the right solution and the only."

Was launched in 2009 in celebration of the presence of President George W. Bush, the father, who was named the aircraft carrier in his name with his wife and in addition to the presence of political figures, military and civilian people task.
It was the first mission to the aircraft carrier USS George W. Bush on May 11, 2011, where it was sent for post annual joint exercises between the U.S. Navy and the British Royal Navy where these exercises are held annually. And then, on 23 August 2011 was sent the aircraft carrier USS George W. Bush to the Arabian Sea accompanied by fleets fifth and sixth remove mold and remained there for seven months to return later to the home port of the U.S.
state of Virginia.

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