Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Escort Aircraft Carrier

The escort aircraft carrier is a type of aircraft carrier small which was built and used during the Second World War.

 These ships were originally designed to provide air protection for convoys of ships that sailed too far away from the coast to be protected by land-based aircraft .

Lightly armed and protected, navigating less than 20 knots , they were not designed to participate in naval battles in which some of them still involved in the Pacific Ocean ( Battle of Leyte Gulf ) were .

In the Battle of the Atlantic , these ships have played an essential role in the protection of convoys against attacks by German submarines by detecting and possibly attacking them.

 In the Pacific, the American escort carriers played multiple roles such as air protection of convoys carrying aircraft to remote bases , protection against submarines and support ground operations .

Pending implementation massive service, emergency solutions such as CAM ships , cargo ships modified to carry a hunter, were implemented.

These boats , a trip between 10 000 and 20 000 tonnes , were often constructed from shells merchant ships or passengers , nevertheless the United States conducted a series of 50 ships designed from the outset for this purpose.

The majority of escort carriers were built by the United States , the United Kingdom and Japan , the five built by him were all killed in combat.

The escort carriers ( Escort carrier) first brought the stroke code and CVE in the list of codes registrations of ships of the U.S. Navy .

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