Sunday, September 29, 2013

USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76)

USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76): U.S. aircraft carrier belonging to the U.S. Navy and named after former President Ronald Reagan , President of the United States for the period from 1981 to 1989, and was the first ship named after the former president and is alive . And operates under the leadership of the commander of naval forces in the Pacific, under the leadership of the commander of Marine Tairat .

Stated that the USS Ronald Reagan is the first warship nuclear-powered and was to be named in honor of the former president when he was alive in his honor. But Reagan was not with the naval forces of the United States in his youth , but , in his tenure as commander of the armed forces and the president of the United States had a Mpadrah the mission to strengthen the United States Navy and presenting the idea of increasing the 600 ships to the U.S. Navy .

The logo design was created USS Ronald Reagan in full by the crew Ronald Reagan Presidential Library . Red circle external seal rings ship resembling the distinctive red edge that determines additions to White House Samsammtha the Reagan family during the years of the mandate of the Ronald Reagan Presidential in the White House . Four gold stars representing the chairmanship of President Reagan because the ranking of 40 for the United States . And the phrase " peace through strength" was what he believes Reagan and a recurring theme of his life in public service. And the aircraft carrier has been placed on the west coast of the United States in the slogan of the ship , and that President Reagan when he was elected as governor of California for two consecutive terms . Three planes with tails it symbolizes the three major military operations faced by the president during his tenure : the process of Girenada ; and the bombing of Libya, and the Mantis (Iran/1988), and the center of the world in the logo is the United States Mmthelaaezzh and national pride national of the United States . And the colors red, white and blue dominate the logo reflects the colors of the American flag .

Building cvn 76

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